
Should I Consider Ductless Mini Splits to Heat and Cool My Home?

More homeowners are turning to ductless mini splits as an energy-efficient alternative to traditional air conditioning. So how do they work? In much the same way as a traditional air conditioner, mini splits take heat from your house and transfers it outside. More specifically, the evaporator coil, located inside your home, and the condenser, located outside of your home, work together to transfer heat through the refrigerant that is pumped between the two units. Conversely, should a mini split be used for heating your home, the process would be reversed and heat would be pumped from outside to inside your home.

Benefits of Mini Splits

  • Energy Efficient
  • Easy to Install
  • No Ducts Needed
  • Quiet Operation
  • Individual Zoning
  • Year Round Home Comfort

What Makes Mini Splits Energy Efficient?

Mini splits are efficient because they eliminate energy loss that may be caused by poor ductwork and, more importantly, they use only the minimum energy needed to perfectly cool or heat your home. For example, if the need to cool a particular space in your home decreases, the mini split unit will decrease its electrical consumption as well. This decrease in consumption prevents the unit from cycling, or from repeatedly turning on and off, which is a waste of electricity and money.

What Can I Expect to Save?

Your exact savings will depend on a number of factors, including how often the unit is in use and what your original source of heating or cooling is. However, it is not uncommon for homeowners in Southern New Jersey to see up to 50% savings compared to conventional heating and cooling systems!

Plus, with services through the New Jersey Clean Energy Program, The Insulation-Heating & Cooling Group is able to provide our customers who are interested in improving their home’s energy efficiency with rebate incentives up to $5,000.00 and 0% financing options. We’re here to help you save energy, money and the environment!

Schedule Your Home Energy Audit with Our BPI Certified Analysts

Start saving energy and money! When you’re ready to receive a professional energy audit, schedule yours with The Insulation-Heating & Cooling Group. As a BPI Accredited Contractor, we provide South Jersey homeowners with trusted professional and honest advice.